Thursday, March 13, 2008

Messy Goo

Have you ever experinced a moment to which the only word that can describe it is horrible?
The great part is when you look back some time later and can laugh about it? If you just said no, you aren't thinking hard enough.
My junior year - chemistry class - lab day.... We were working on something with tubes and chemicals and whatnot. We were to mix two pre-measured tubes over a burner. No big. Well at least that is what I thought. Mine was at the temperate it was supposed to be, but it started bubbling. I called my teacher over and just as she got there...."SPAT!" The big bubble popped. This greenish-blue gunk flew everwhere. On the floor, the cabnets, on me, and of course on about four other people.
I was motified! I could have cried right then and there. I still to this day really don't know what or if I did wrong. The clean up process was a blur, but i do remember the goo was sticky. Every lab day after that I was nervous, and my teacher made sveral jokes on each of them.
Looking back, I laugh at it. It was funny, but not when it happened! It was horrible! I like remembering things like that. It reminds me that even when things are tough....someday i'll look back and laugh.

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