Thursday, November 6, 2008


I know I haven't blogged in like forever, but I figured I had something slightly blogworthy! I am super excited about Christmas! . . and yes, I am one of those people. I LOVE CHRISTMAS! I love everything about it. I love shopping, Christmas music, decorations, baking, wrapping gifts, celebrating Juses's B-day, and even waiting in line isn't quite as bad around Christmas.

Evey thing is just better around Christmas. People are in better moods (outside of retail that is.) There is always something to do and something to be thankful for. Things have been hard lately for my family and I, so I have decided to just get through it as best I can and look forward to Christmas. I am also looking forward to thanksgiving because maybe it will help too. If nothing else, the Thanksgiving newspaper is awesome! (not to mention Black Friday Shopping)

I have ready purchased a few Christmas presents and have even seen a few commercials (also the only time of the year I am interested in commercials.) To those of you who hate the big deal people make over Christmas.... keep it to yourself. You can't bring down my Christmas excitement! Check out this wonderful link to the Countdown to Christmas. I was really surprised to see how few days there were.
I do believe that part of my excitement stems from my freeness from retail! No working until midnight, no customer getting mad at me because we don't have their size, and no mountains of clothes from the dressing rooms to put away. Now don't get me wrong, I still loved Christmas when I worked at JCP. I just love more and have a greater appreciation for retail employees.

So . . my apologies for not blogging and my best wishes for a Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

WICK said...

I love JC Penney Christmas Trees!!!! So....we gonna draw names for Small Group this year? Or we gonna do a white elephant exchange again?